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Monday, May 17, 2010

Seriously Bookish Awesomeness!

So the beautifully awesome creature that is Jackson Pearce (author of As You Wish and the upcoming Sisters Red) has posted another fantastic video on her YouTube channel. If you don't know about Jackson's YouTube channel, then you are totally missing something awesome. Anyways, here is the amazingness that Jackson has posted:

I hope that awesomeness causes you to forgive my unannounced absence, but I moved and have been working like crazy, but I am going out of town this week for my mom's surgery and so I will have hours to sit in the hospital and get caught up on reviews and reading, so expect me to be back shortly!



  1. OMG that's WONDERFUL! She's soooo cute! :) LOVE LOVE...cant wait for Sisters Red!

  2. I know, right? I think Jackson is totally adorable! I love her YouTube videos, they are alsways cute and funny!


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